The conversation on ‘social perception’ in various professional circles demands that we engage using social media platforms to network and demand for clarity on products and services from relevant companies.

But are we mindful of ‘HOW’ we interact?
I often note with disbelief the language used by peers and colleagues when engaging in a heated trending hashtag debate on twitter or Facebook.
The BBC Future column recently published an article on a special series about social media and well-being. One article; ‘How social media betrays mood’, fleshes out how an individual or brand persona is perceived focusing on the diction used.

What is even more surprising is how a tool can give a general analytical assessment about the mental health that may be hiding in plain sight from the tweets and Facebook updates in the posts published.
An individual’s digital footprint always leaves breadcrumbs of data to provide a diagnosis as accurate as a doctor’s blood pressure cuff or heart rate monitor notes the article.

Now for future and current employers this insight brings to light a very crucial consideration when conducting reviews and appraisals. An example of the analysis report brings to light areas on an individual’s traits that can be easily ignored or hidden in plain sight.
Communication and clarity has never been more important than in this present-day age. Data mining and machine learning are transforming the communication landscape by extracting signals from dizzying amounts of granular data on social media.

For an updated take, type your Twitter handle into AnalyzeWords tool. It’s a free text analysis tool which focuses on junk words (pronouns, articles, prepositions) to assess emotional and thinking styles.
From my 565 most recent words on my Twitter profile, I’m apparently scoring average score for being angry and worried; I score very highly on being upbeat. I am very low on depression tendencies, average on being personable, arrogant and in the moment.

Enter @realdonaldtrump into AnalzyeWordstool and you’ll see he scores highly on having an upbeat emotional style, and is less likely than average to be worried, angry, and depressed.
So what to do with all this information? Empowerment & Awareness would be a good start.

About the Author: WMC Editor

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